1. 全面了解CIMA对于登记人士的合规要求,及时了解并向律师咨询开曼监管框架的最新动向,必要时聘请专业的基金法律顾问和开曼法律顾问予以协助;
2. 明确股权结构,澄清最终受益人身份信息;
3. 根据自身业务性质、规模及复杂程度,制定并完善内部制度文件,包括但不限于反洗钱/反恐融资制度、投资者风险评估制度、反洗钱/反恐融资外包评估及程序制度、利益冲突制度、信息报送制度、内部合规监督制度、内部报告制度、客户尽职调查制度、资料管理备份制度等,并结合开曼监管框架的变化对上述制度文件进行年度更新;
4. 完善内部治理架构,严格执行内部制度文件并留存好相关执行记录,充分保证董事会或同等机构能 够有效发挥相应监管职能,保证反洗钱合规官、反洗钱报告官等特殊合规职位的独立性;
5. 重视员工管理,尤其是反洗钱/反恐融资管理人员培训,如AMLCO、MLRO,制定员工培训制度,定期开展员工培训,并保留相应记录;
6. 合规开展业务活动,做好投资者适当性、资金来源核查及持续风险评估,并保留底稿;
7. 保证反洗钱/反恐融资风险审计的独立性、有效性;
8. 妥善保管、留存内部文件及业务底稿资料,包括但不限于内部制度运作情况、员工培训记录及合规 报告文件,外部投资者KYC文件等。对于存在保密要求或其他法定要求的文件,我们建议登记人 士做好该类文件的分类及处理。
二、 来自offshore的优化解决方案
XXX Investment Manager (the Investment Manager), a SIBA registered person, acts as the “Investment Manager” to XXX Fund (the Fund), providing certain “management, administration, advisory, consulting and other services to the Fund” as may be required by the Fund from time to time.
“XXX 基金管理人(下称“基金管理人”)是SIBA的登记人士,担任XXX基金(下称“基金”)的基金管理人,应基金的要求向其提供管理、行政、顾问、咨询等服务。”
If the Registered Person is not in fact providing investment management services to the Fund, we recommend revising the fund documents and service agreements to remove the “Investment Manager” label.
· https://www.cima.ky/upimages/noticedoc/1633726901PublicNotice-AdminstrativeFine-SevenMileSecurities_1633726901.pdf (08 October 2021)
2021年10月8日,CIMA对 一家作为登记人士的公司进行了CI$250,000(约为30万美元,217万人民币)的行政处罚。根据CIMA的公示信息,本次处罚事由针对反洗钱合规的违反,可总结为5项:
the Company’s failure to comply with the legislative requirements of the AMLRs including the following:
(1) The application of Customer Due Diligence measures;
(2) The application of Enhanced Customer Due Diligence measures;
(3) Failing to monitor the implementation of a risk based approach;
(4) Failing to understand the nature, and purpose of business relationships; and
(5) Failing to conduct and document all appropriate sanctions checks.
(1) 违反投资者尽职调查程序;
(2) 违反增强版投资者尽职调查程序;
(3) 未能对反洗钱防范制度的施行进行有效监管;
(4) 未能理解自身证券投资业务关系的性质及目的; 以及
(5) 未能进行适当的制裁情况核查并留存相关记录。
(1) Failing to identify ultimate beneficial ownership;
(2) Failing to understand the purpose and nature of business relationships;
(3) Failing to verify source of wealth and/or source of funds;
(4) Failing to apply Enhanced Customer Due Diligence measures; and
(5) Failing to conduct and document all appropriate sanctions checks.
(1) 未能在规定期限内澄清最终受益所有权人的身份;
(2) 未能在规定期限内理解自身证券投资业务关系的性质及目的;
(3) 未能在规定期限内澄清基金的资金来源;
(4) 未能在规定期限内适用增强投资者尽职调查; 以及
(5) 未能在规定期限内进行适当的制裁情况核查并留存相关记录。
1. 高额 — 违规处罚金额更高
2. 时效 — 调查应对时间更短
3. 广泛 — 合规调查范围更广
In light of the above, we recommend that you review whether the Registered Person in fact provides regulated services under SIBA to the Fund. If not, please consider restructuring the Registered Person as a Consultant and de-registering the Registered Person from CIMA.
Under this approach, the activities formerly undertaken by the “Investment Manager” (to the extent they fall within SIBA) will be undertaken by the GP instead.
Investment Advisor vs Consultant
For the purpose of determining whether the Registered Person is caught under SIBA, please note that the regulated activities covered by SIBA include:
· Dealing in securities:
Buying, selling, subscribing for or underwriting securities as agent or principal, including market maker activity.
This definition inherently excludes own-account dealing as dealing as a principal is only captured where there is ‘holding out’ and ‘solicitation’ under SIBA Schedule 2 – 1(b) (i) to (iii).
这一定义本质上排除了自有账户的交易,因为作为被代理人的交易仅适用于SIBA 附表2- 1(b) (i) 至(iii)所规定的“自称”和“招揽”行为。
· Arranging deals in securities:
Making arrangements with a view to another person (whether as principal or agent) buying, selling, subscribing for or underwriting securities.
· Managing securities:
Managing securities belonging to another person in circumstances involving the exercise of discretion.
· Advising on securities:
Advise an investor or potential investor (including acting as an agent on behalf of an investor) on buying, selling, underwriting, subscribing for or exercising any right conferred by a security.
就买卖、承销、认购或行使证券所授予的任何权利向投资者或潜在投资者提供建议 (包括作为投资者的代理人)。
In contrast, common activities undertaken by a Consultant would include:
to assist the Fund in identifying potential investors in the Fund and to analyse whether such persons are eligible investors;
to carry out reviews of the Fund’s investments whenever it considers necessary or when required to do so by the GP;
to research into and evaluate potential investment opportunities;
to prepare material and information for inclusion in the Fund’s regular financial reports or whenever the Directors reasonably require that material and prepare and despatch regular reports, financial statements and other written material prepared by or on behalf of the Fund to all persons entitled to receive the same and manage communications with them generally;
if requested by the Directors, to make representatives available at the Fund’s shareholders’ meetings;
to liaise and instruct as necessary, the Administrator and other service providers of the Fund on any of the items listed above; and
to provide such other services as the Directors may request and the Consultant agrees to provide.
[Note: It is advisable to then include a negative statement in the main body of the consultancy agreement that the consultant will NOT undertake any regulated activities under SIBA.]