總裁特別顧問黃恒德先生接受訪談,暢談加入U&I GROUP的故事

2023年7月,黃恒德(Dixon Wong)先生正式任命為U&I GROUP(匯智集團)總裁特別顧問,黃先生在過去近二十五年職業生涯中,取得了相當令人尊重的成就,於1994-1996年任職安永會計師事務所高級審計師;1996-2019年任職香港上海匯豐銀行投資銀行部執行董事;2019-2023年任職香港特別行政區政府投資推廣署金融服務主管及家族辦公室全球主管。加入U&I GROUP,對於黃先生和U&I GROUP都有着重要的意義!本期人物采訪,將為大家揭秘U&I GROUP到底有什麽樣的吸引力,令黃先生選擇加入的呢?在加入集團後,他的工作重心和發展規劃又是怎樣?快來觀看視頻,一探究竟吧!



您通過什麼渠道了解到U&I GROUP,對U&I GROUP的第一印象是什麼?

我在香港特區政府投資推廣署擔任金融服務主管兼家族辦公室全球主管時認識了U&I GROUP 的一位合夥人(Lancy)。

I knew one of the U&I GROUP partners (Lancy) when I was working as the Head of Financial Services and Global Head of Family Office at the HKSARG.

Lancy誠意地邀請我去參加今年初深圳前海政府和深圳创投公会舉辦的兩場重要活動,包括出席該活動, 並且在活動中發言。活動前, 她把我介紹給U&I GROUP總裁(Steven)。鑑於我過去在安永會計師事務所、匯豐銀行和香港特區政府的工作,加起來超過25年工作經歷。Steven和我就U&I GROUP業務機遇和挑戰聊了好幾次,我們能夠從商業角度深入討論和分享共同的目標。我非常同意Steven做客央視時提到《成人達己 開放共贏》的故事。深感榮幸能夠加入U&I GROUP, 更希望能為U&I GROUP做出更多貢獻, 實現《成人達己 開放共贏》。

Lancy kindly asked me to attend and speak at two key events held by the Shenzhen Qianhai Government and SZVCA in SZ.Before the two events, she introduced me to the U&I GROUP CEO (Steven).In view of my previous experience in EY, HSBC and HKSARG, over a period of 25 years in total, Steven and I chatted a few times on business opportunities, and we are able to share the common objectives from a business point of view. I really hope to contribute much more to U&I GROUP.

我對U&I GROUP的第一印象是通過閱讀網站和微信,我感覺U&I GROUP非常積極和正面。我認為U&I GROUP是一家比其他公司更專業、更靈活、更穩健、更加善於處理客戶關係的公司。我認為是 “一家照顧員工的公司”,尤其是員工流失率相對低,並且有很多員工跟Steven工作超過了十多年。

Based on my first impression through reading the U&I GROUP’s website and wechat,U&I GROUP is reputed to be a more professional, friendly, sociable firm than the other firms .It is seen as ‘a firm that takes care of it’s employees’. in particular the staff turnover rate is relatively low and there are many employees who have been working with Steven for over a decade.

U&I GROUP提供員工很多學習成長的機會, 更加為員工提供了探索不同業務領域並發展廣泛專業知識的機會。

U&I GROUP also offers a lot of learning opportunities to grow. It also gives employees opportunities to explore different areas of business and develop a broad range of expertise.

U&I GROUP最吸引你加入的點是什麼?為什麼選擇在這樣的時間點加入?

首先,我個人喜歡機遇和挑戰!這幾年, 跨境服務需求不斷增加。U&I GROUP非常專業並且擁有豐富經驗,已在內地提供此類服務超過十多年,是跨境(法、商、財、稅)專業服務行業的先行者。

First of all, there is an increasing demand for cross-border services that U&I GROUP has been providing such services in Mainland.

其次, U&I GROUP可以通過在跨境專業服務方面,提供優質和定制的综合性諮詢服務,繼續幫助企業和個人客戶創造他們所尋求更高的商業價值。

Hence U&I GROUP can continue to help corporates and individuals create the value they are looking for, by delivering quality and customized advisory services in Legal, Commercial, Wealth and Tax。

最後, U&I GROUP還為員工提供培訓,幫助他們發展職業生涯U&I GROUP能夠與來自不同城市, 背景和行業的同事可以一起合作解決客戶的問題,發輝團隊精神!

U&I GROUP provides employees with support to help them develop their career.U&I GROUP is therefore able to work with staff and clients from different cities, diverse backgrounds and industries to solve their problems.

經過三年多的疫情之後,香港邊境重新開放,市場現在正恢復強勁勢頭,尤其香港最近推出很多新的措施, 必須把握這個黃金機遇,我認為現在是加入U&I GROUP的最佳時機。

with the border recently re-opened in Hong Kong after three years of pandemic situation, the market is now picking up it’s strong momentum hence.I believe it is the best timing of joining a fast-growing firm like U&I GROUP.

U&I GROUP的潛力和特別之處在於哪裡?

我認為,U&I GROUP屬於快速發展的公司, 有實力的品牌,並擁有一支專業、誠信、穩健的團隊, 幫助客戶解決問題。

U&I GROUP has a powerful brand and is committed to serving as a force for professional, integrity, stable, good sense with wise solutions to the problems facing businesses and the clients.

我們U&I GROUP一般來說有五個特別的屬性,同事都根據領導力和職業發展的屬性來招聘、發展和管理。

I think our U&I GROUP has five attributes:All our U&I GROUP staff should be recruited, developed and managed against the five attributes for leadership and career development.


• 整體領導力

• 商業頭腦

• 技術能力

• 全球敏銳度

• 人際關係

• Whole leadership

• Business acumen

• Technical capabilities

• Global acumen

• Relationships

加入U&I GROUP之後的工作的中心和發展規劃是什麼?


Internally, my main focus will be to strengthen our overall business efficiency across U&I GROUP business lines, products and operations.

對外, U&I GROUP幫助客戶更迅速和更有效地發展他們的業務, 更加要尋找新商機,例如香港金融市場,包括: 私人財富、家族辦公室。讓客戶更加滿意我們的服務。

Externally, U&I GROUP helps clients to grow their businesses faster in an efficient manner. More importantly, I will also explore other possible new business opportunities, for example private wealth business and family offices.

如何看待U&I GROUP目前的商業模式,有什麼不一樣的優勢嗎?

U&I GROUP是內地跨境專業服務領導者之一,提供綜合性的一站式服務,除了: 法律、商業、財富、稅務。還包括其他服務: 信託、身份、基金、基金會、財務諮詢等。我們提供的優質服務有助於建立對金融市場和經濟體的信心。

U&I GROUP is one of the cross border professional leaders, providing one-stop services, across legal, business, wealth and tax, trust, foundation, fund, transaction and other advisory services.

此外,U&I 研究院是我們公司非常獨特的服務,提供理論與實踐相結合的研究方法,我們的研究領域涵蓋: 跨境業務結構、國際稅務、家族財富傳承、跨境投資、融資工具和監管合規諮詢。

In addition, our Academy is a very unique services within our U&I GROUP organisation which provides research methods combining theory and practice and our research areas cover cross border business structure, international tax, family wealth inheritance, cross border investment, financing tools and regulatory compliance advisory.


首先,我認為,跨境服務是指位於不同稅務管轄區的相關居民和經營實體之間的資產出境轉移。U&I GROUP可以幫助有需要的客戶構建滿足法律和監管要求的靈活解決方案。

From U&I GROUP perspective, the cross-border services refer to outbound transfers of assets between related entities resident and operating in different tax jurisdictions.It means that U&I GROUP helps corporates and individuals build flexible solutions that meet the legal and regulatory requirements.

其次, 關注我之前提到的五個特別屬性。考慮到這一點,我們應該為現有和潛在客戶增加價值。我們能夠為客戶提供專業意見。例如,我們通過仔細傾聽客戶的問題與他們合作提供實用的解決方案、建立令客戶滿意的運營結構、降低風險並幫助他們利用全球機遇來增加價值。

We should focus on the five attributes that I mentioned earlier. With this in mind, we should add value to our existing and potential clients. We are able to offer our clients both insight and experience.For example, we add value through listening to our clients’ challenges and work with them to offer practical solutions, improving the way they operate, mitigating risk and helping to capitalise on opportunities globally.

我们相信,黄恒德先生以其卓越的领导力和商业智慧,将带领U&I GROUP打造行业领先的跨境服务企业品牌。与智同行,坚持“成人达己,你我信条,汇智聚心,相生相成”的服务宗旨。秉承与客户建立长久、互信的商业合作关系,为客户规划系统、稳定、安全且可持续发展的跨境商务、法律、财税解决方案。
